Youth Employment PartnerSHIP session at the capacity building Workshop on labour market policies and dynamics
Collegio Carlo Alberto Foundation, partner of the Youth Employment PartnerSHIP project, held the Workshop on Labour Market Dynamics on February 13th and 14th 2020 in Turin.
The workshop was jointly organised with Young in, Old out. Demography and Labor Policy, PROWEDEC (Productivity, welfare and decentralized bargaining) and LABORatorio Riccardo Revelli, Center for Employment Studies.
The capacity building workshop focused on the discussion and diffusion of counterfactual evaluation methods in labour economics. The workshop featured top speakers from academia and national institutions that presented and debated the results and policy implications of the recent developments in this field. Moreover, in order to promote the inclusion of younger scholars into the debate, the workshop hosted a poster exhibition of selected works by young researchers (under 35). Laboratorio Revelli awarded the “Riccardo Revelli” Prize, commemorating the pioneer in the use of administrative data for labour market analysis who passed away 20 years ago - to Salvatore Lattanzio from the University of Cambridge for his poster "Sorting Robots. How Automation Shapes the Allocation of Workers Across Firms".
Youth Employment PartnerSHIP session
Diego Ubfal from J-PAL and Università “L. Bocconi” presented an evaluation study (→paper, presentation) of temporary work experiences in public enterprises for high-school students in Uruguay, finding that they was effective in increasing their wage in after school experiences.
Judit Kréko from Budapest Institute presented an evaluation study on the Youth Guarantee job trial program in Hungary (→ presentation). The preliminary results show that participants in the program are more likely to be employed six months after the completion of the program compared to participants in public work or training and that the effect is stronger for the less educated and for women.
During the poster session Francesco Trentini from Collegio Carlo Alberto presented an evaluation study conducted by means of Italian administrative database on the scarring effect of temporary contracts on young labour market entrants (→poster). Discrimination is found to induce a penalisation in re-employment and that such stigma disappears as the individual employment history progresses.
all photos by Michelangelo Filippi.